
  • Open Source Government

    At the request of President Obama, some government agencies—namely the White House—have recently begun open-sourcing their software. I take this as a sign that our government is slowly catching up with the Open Source community. This is good, but for whom? America’s painfully slow legislation process is an impediment to...

  • Enter the spectrum of commodification

    The price of a 2.5” solid-state drive has dropped by three times in three years, tablets sell for $45 in China, and last quarter more smartphones were shipped worldwide than the number of people who will be born this year. Hardware is cheap, but custom software is fast becoming a...

  • Get out or go home

    To all programmers, system admins, nerds, geniuses, and otherwise harbingers of technology I say to you, get out or go home. Wait, don’t I mean “go big or go home”, or maybe “get to work or go home”? Nope, I mean just what I say. Get out or go home,...

  • Motivations

    Why do I code? I think it’s healthy for me to periodically ask myself this question. I like to examine the reasons behind why I do things. I think it helps me to avoid wasting time, and to make the most of my life. Below is an example train of...

  • Jasmine + Maven + Requirejs + Coverage

    In earlier posts I succeeded in integrating JsTestDriver, Maven, and Sonar, with tests written with QUnit and Sinon, all bundled up with Requirejs. The solution worked great except for one thing–JsTestDriver just dies sometimes. Frequently during use captured browsers would lock up, or fail to be captured, or crash during...

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